Waiting In A Mall Parking Lot 3.4.2024


I brought my brother to his credit union and here I am waiting for him to come back.

So what do I do when I wait? You know I keep a mp3 player in the car, with a rechargeable battery. My mp3 player also has a speaker and it can take a micro memory card.

So what do I have on that memory card? I have the Bible from Matthew to Revelation and when it gets to the end, it goes back to the beginning. This is a great way to fill up your spare time when you actually have to wait.

I have another mp3 player with a speaker that I keep the charger on 24 hours a day and 24 hours a day I have the Bible playing from Genesis to Revelation. I keep it in my computer room, where I am right now as I am writing this blog, I keep the volume on low so I can hear all the words, but not too loud.

I like keeping the Bible in my conscious and subconscious mind at the same time.

So lets go back to waiting in the car. Sometimes I wait for my neighbors kids to get to the car when I pick them up from school. That is my side hustle. It is a job I wasn't sure I wanted to do, but the neighbor talked me into it as I was the only one they knew that could do it as, I am a retired guy. So I took that job.

Before I start driving when the kids do get in the car and buckle up, I shut off my portable mp3 player with a speaker and then I start the car, and my 6 disc player in my 2001 Lexus GS 300 will play the gospels of the Bible, well Matthew, Mark, Luke and only part of John as this is just a regular CD player, not a mp3 CD player like I have in my 89 Nissan Sentra. But it is all good.

All of this helps keep the scriptures in my head. You know we are to meditate on the scriptures day and night, as it is written, But his delight in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:2. And of course you want to keep the scriptures in your head, so that you can do the scriptures.

Jesus did say, And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Luke 6:46. So we want to do all the things that Jesus told us to do. And of course you can't do them if you don't know what Jesus said.

So now you have an idea of what I do when I do have to wait.

And when I was waiting I thought I would take a picture of the clouds. Isn't it a beautiful sight?

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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