The Whopper Meal And A Story Within A Story 4.13.2023


So here I am with a Whopper Meal at Burger King. I just tried some fries. They are hot, maybe a little to hot to eat. But maybe not as hot as the coffee someone at McDonald's had and she sued and got millions, I believe that is so. I will just eat the fries a little later, no rush to eat them.

So why am I here? Well I just so happen to have a coupon for a Whopper meal. Also I am waiting as I know I will have to give a ride to someone in the area of that Burger King.

When ordering, the girl asked me if I wanted cheese on that Whopper. I declined the cheese as I know that will bring up the cost of the Whopper Meal and it is best to be conservative and save money.

When I think about this Whopper Meal, I am reminded of another meal I had some decades ago.

You see in those days I was into Bruce Lee and there was a theatre that was playing an old Kung Fu movie and a Bruce Lee movie. The Bruce Lee Movie might have been Fists of Fury or Chinese Connection.

This was an old run down theatre that something like $2.50 you can watch these movies all day. Well, that is what me and the Tijuana Kid did as we were into Karate in those days.

So we got to the movie theatre, by way of the Tijuana Kid's mom in the late morning. And we kept on watching those movies until it was dark. Then we walked the downtown area and we were hungry.

The Tijuana Kid, talked me into using my brothers money to buy baloney and a loaf of bread. So we got the food, but then it started to rain. We found a phone booth. We went into the phone booth for shelter against the rain.

So this is a story of the Tijuana kid and I eating baloney sandwiches in a phone booth while it rained at night.

Notice how there are no more phone booths. Well, it was the invention of the cell phone that caused the phone booths to disappear. Yet before the cell phone, we would look for a phone booth to make a call.

And we did have to make a call. You see it was the Tijuana Kid's mom that brought us there to the theatre in the late morning and now the theatre is closed and it was raining and it was night, we needed a ride home as we were high school students that didn't drive at the time.

So I guess the Tijuana kid called his dad from the phone booth, after we ate the boloney sandwiches.

So his dad did come and pick us up. I don't know if he was happy to do that, but he did and then he drove to a bar and had a drink, the Tijuana Kid and I stayed in the car as we were under aged at that time.

So here I am, after eating my Whopper Meal, I am writing about our phone booth boloney sandwich meal we had about 50 years ago, the Tijuana Kid and I.


Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Matthew 6:25-26.

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Thank you, David.
Images are mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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