I'm Being Summoned For Jury Duty 3.22.2024


You get these in the mail. There is a number you have to call and if your group number is called, then you have to go downtown to the courthouse.

Since 2003 I have been not only called to show up, but also to participate in being a juror, to listen to testimony, to decide if someone is guilty of this or that.

Most people will try to avoid doing jury duty, but it is our duty to do such a thing. So I will show up, if called, and I will try to be the best juror that I can be, if I end up in the juror box that is.

Usually when the you get a juror summons, you will have to make a phone call after 5pm, and at that time the juror clerks will know how many courts need jurors.

If one does call you will have to listen to the recording of your group number. If your group number is called you will be instructed to come in to the courtroom and will be told where to park.

When parking at one of their many parking lots, you will have to bring in your ticket, so they can validate it, so you won't have to pay for parking. So I always put the ticket in my wallet and bring it to the juror clerk to get it stamped so that the court pays the parking and not me.

When entering the court building you will be scanned and maybe scanned several times. So you cannot bring a pocket knife, as I usually walk around with a pocket knife I will have to leave that in my car.

Once you get in the building you will have to report to the jury assembly room, where you check in and wait. What do you have to wait for? For one of those jury clerks to show you some video, of some judge talking to you, thanking you for coming in to do your jury duty. That video usually is over in 15 minutes. Then you wait again.

Then after awhile the clerks come in and call certain group numbers, those will be the chosen ones, the ones that have to report to a court. Several group numbers will be called as there will be several courts that need jurors.

What happens if you are in the jury assembly room and your group number has not been called? Well then you have to wait some more. If your group numbers still hasn't been called, then at lunch time they will let you have an hour and a half lunch, maybe even more, but you will have to come back, since some courts might need more jurors in the afternoon time.

You will have to be there when they call row call in the morning and after lunch. if you are not there when they finish reading row call, you might have to show up again for more jury duty at a little later date.

If you survive and were not called to a court and you were there for all of the row calls they will do one more row call before they let you go, then at the end the day when they excuse you, you will not have to come back for at least 12 months.

Now this is if you show up and were not called to a court, so in this case, you did do your jury duty even though you did not have to show up at a court room.

Then you walk to the parking lot where you parked and you take out your ticket with the clerks stamp on it and hand it to the parking clerk and they will let you drive through without paying for parking.

So this is how it may go if you get called for jury duty, but do not end up at a court room.

Of course if you do end up in a court room, that is another story and maybe another blog.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him. Mark 12:17.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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