I Got Caught In A Bit Of Hail 3.14.2023

I just got back from shopping and I parked on my grass and then came the hail. That hail looked like big diamond like sizes.


So I thought it would be safer for me to just stay in the car, then I thought, maybe I can video this and write a blog. So here I am doing just that.

This hail actually happened on 3.11.2023 at 12:45 PM. I like how my phone always keeps the day and time of the picture or video.

So after the hail came a down pouring and we got a little flooding too.


You know where I am we have been getting more and more rain. In most places that is not news, but I am here in California where we are more used to drought. Also in my opinion, it is manmade drought. Well, with all the chemtrails and the HAARP like radio waves, we do have drought.

I think that God is intervening and letting the rain come. Well, praise God, we have water for California now. I hope all the farmers get bumper crops this year.

I am hearing of lots of snow in our mountains and I mean so much snow that they had to close down the skiing places. Have you ever heard of such a thing as closing off skiiing cause of too much snow?

I was just watching a video of a family in the mountains and they have to use a ladder to climb to the second floor to get into the house as the first floor is covered with snow. That is pretty bad. I wonder how the temperature is when one's house is covered in snow. I would imagine, pretty cold.

Well, I am here in the valley and we hardly ever see snow here, well, maybe once in a decade for two, but in our mountains we really have some snow. I just hope that they channel all the water into all our canals so that the farmers have much access to that water.

So I was caught in a bit of hail and then some flooding.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, For he saith to the snow, Be thou the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength. Job 37:6.

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Thank you, David.
Video and images are mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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