Writer's block - The hidden prisoner in our mind



Writer's block. It has happened to everyone at least once in their life. You start writing one day, then you stop, after a while you come back or you just forget the whole idea. It's quite frustrating. You have an idea that you just can't finish. Maybe it's the next Harry Potter or the DaVinci's Code. You despair and just leave it. Why do you overthink that? We, humans, have one good quality, we just don't always use it. Imagination. People like the Brothers Grimm have had it, even the old man on the street has it, and why not the dog or pet. The Brothers Grimm, for example, initially could not write, they had ideas, but the sheet was just blank, empty. Their father gave them a task. Every night, they wrote a page, just one page that he checked. Look now, they are famous. Find your motivator. No, don't make excuses, I have to cook, I have to go to work, the kids just run around me. Time does not exist in your imagination. Open your eyes to the world. You don't need the body. Just look. You see a shelf, what's the story behind it, who made it, why? Narnia was created from a wardrobe why not a world on a shelf. You walk the dog. Look around, what other dogs have seen, and what is the history of their owners. He may be a murderer, he may be cheating on his wife, and he may be a single parent or alien. The world was created this way. Let's learn from him, let's study it. And imagination is what drives us from birth. Crying, for the mother, the first nightmare, the fear of something. We are born and die with our imagination. Don't hide it. Release the prisoner in your mind. Let it go. How many of you have just thought of Frozen from this expression? Everything around us has its history, small or large, it is part of something bigger. Hear the speech of the world, the sound of the wind, the emotions of the world around you. Write it down.

Write a comment on what you see. No matter how strange.

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