Time's Curse - The Poem in Pictures

Source Image by pixel2013 on Pixabay

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 8/13/2022

We are just a memory
past present and future century.
Children of the Time itself,
a history book left on a shelf.

Endless fiction of desires.
Is this what death requires?
Prisoners, a mummy in a sarcophagus,
until we are nothing more than dust.

Again and again we try to leave
and left only with grief.
Soon we will be one with the universe,
it's just Time's curse.

Let our children not grow up in a terrible world. Together we can make it better. It is our destiny to
suffer from the past, to long for the future, but to forget the present.
Any unsourced images and writing are my own. Life is worth it!
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