Splendor Of My Heart


Where you lead I will follow

Tell me what you need

I'm here for you

To be with you

Your imperfections are perfect to me

Your smile

oh! my

What a chase?

lay on my tongue for an exquisite taste

Open my eyes to see your light

You are my sun

lighting up my sky

I'll run on troubled waters to board the ship of your love

You are on the speed dial of my thoughts

I fell in love with all that you do

I see your face when I look in the mirror

I belong with you

Have my heart

I see the look in your eyes

I can tell you feel this too

You make the waters in my heart still

when you look at me

Let me know how to please you more

With your love as cool as zephy

You are the one I choose



[listal - Tashi Rodriguez]https://www.listal.com/viewimage/15114796h)


Hello Reader,

              Hi friend, I'm glad you found this piece I wrote. This piece came from my thoughts, my colourful fairyland, my mind palace. Some may call me a helpless romantic and there is no denying that but I know that someday, somehow and very soon I will find the one.

Keep being awesome, staying indoors and wash your hands.

Stay Safe.

Progressive Theme

The poem has a natural feel with no pressure on the subject of love. It tells a story of letting the love take its course while it lays emphasis on risks that the writer is ready to take to keep the love going. It also uses metaphors and literary descriptions to paint relatable imagery using simple words.


I thought about love today. Although most of my poetry is centred on the topic of love but this piece reminds of something, of someone I'm yet to share these many tales of love I write about. I feel the energy of love getting stronger around me. I can tell that I would be pulled into its orbit and be stable like the planets in the solar system revolving around its sun, my sun. Shining on my at day and reflecting its light at night with the moon. Celebrating certain that to be repeated yearly. I know this is coming through and true. I am patient. Love is patient, it doesn't envy.

Dante is here no fear

Lanre Sonde
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