A picture is worth a thousand words: GIRL



She was still young. Just old enough to want to be grown up. Just old enough to feel the desire for love for the first time... A naive and childish kind of love, but still.
Yesterday, it was just mommy, daddy, and the soft cat Riko, but today, out of the blue, Timmy appeared like a bolt from the sky.
They had been classmates since the first grade, yet it was as if she truly saw him for the first time. His chestnut hair, greenish eyes, mischievous smile... his words. Magical words! She had never heard anything like them...

When he answered the teacher in class...
When he joked with classmates during lunch...
When he sat in the park under a tree or kicked a ball with friends...
And she watched him... Listened to him even more. She soaked up his words.
Watched from afar and eavesdropped from up close.

"How did the test go?" Timmy asked her one day.
The poor girl enthralled by his presence was flustered... "Ehm, ehm... great, great ..."
"Nice! What about English? The test is tomorrow..."
"I'm good at languages," she squeaked quickly and blushed.
"Then you're a real polyglot," Timmy replied.
She didn’t understand him.

But she understood him like no one else before.

And the words sounded like never before.
They carried meanings under meanings, meanings above meanings, and such figurative ones.
They played, and she wanted to join in their game.
To understand better.
To delve deeper into the experience. Into his dreamy eyes...

At night, she fell asleep with a dictionary, searching in it for the word... searching for words... for him...
And so night after night.

(translated from Slovene with lil help of AI)

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