Did they have what it took? Regardless, they knew that they must get it done.

Silently, they stole through the night. The dawn had broken in front of their very eyes and, even as the sun began to rise high in the sky, still they did not speak.

This was an important mission and they wished to waste no time in getting to their destination. These men, they were dressed for such a trip, covered head to toe in light clothing that covered their skin so well from the scorching sun.

Outwardly, they appeared calm but inwardly they were all feeling the same thing: uncertainty. They did not know what lay ahead.

How hard will it be in the coming hours, days and even weeks that lay ahead?

Would they manage to do what they set out to do?

What was it going to take for them to actually achieve their joint goal, this mission for which they were appointed?

Did they have what it took to see this thing through?

They knew that they must. They knew they had no other choice but to see it through, to get it done.

So regardless of the uncertainty they felt in their hearts,

regardless of the difficulty of the task they faced,

regardless of the fears they held that they might fail to do what needed to be done,

they continued on their journey,

facing each new step,

one step at a time.


This is my entry for "A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 12/22/2021". The story is centred around this picture, yes, but the story itself is inspired by the courage and tenacity that our fellow Hiveans in the Philippines are having to find within themselves in order to cope with the aftermath of the Super Typhoon that hit Cebu, and nearby areas, a week ago.

If you want to support your fellow Hiveans, many of whom are struggling with limited access to water, electricity and shelter, then you can contribute to one of the fundraising posts in Hive PH or here is a great recent post by Shanna about her experience.

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