Oops... That is Not Chocolate. (It's Probably not What You Think.) (Zapfic Friday)

This is my entry for the weekly Zapfic Friday contest. The goal is to write as complete a story as possible with the given prompt in precisely 50 words. This week's prompt is "chocolate."

Confession: this one is actually a true story. Eep. I could subtitle it: "How I learned to be less greedy." Ha ha. You will see what I mean.

Oops... That is Not Chocolate.

I was only three years old. The plate of chocolate morsels was placed tantalizingly close.

I reached out and quickly popped one into my mouth only to have a horrible shock.

"Did she just eat a piece of raw liver?" my mother asked her friend as I began to cry.


Photo is from pexels.com

Screenshot by the author from wordcounter.net

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