The meaning of a new beginning for the fulfillment of our objectives

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In this post I want to express my views regarding a reflection that will be directed to the meaning that can have for us a new beginning, especially for those who think that the end of everything we were aspiring has come.

It is normal that we set short and long term goals, in that time in which we are struggling and working to fulfill them we can achieve partial success, but if we do not assume that the little of these achievements is valid and that although they seem little in reality are very important then perhaps we are destined to failure.

If we have already achieved a small achievement but if we add them to another set of achievements that may occur in the future we could be in the presence of the fulfillment of our main objective.

I have made many mistakes in this sense, and these mistakes are oriented to not giving value to the small achievements reached and, although they are not the achievements initially planned, if they are added with others that can be achieved, they can mean success at the end of the road.

The first important thing is to identify the moment in which we are achieving a small achievement, because in the case that we manage to identify a certain achievement it can escape from our hands, however my purpose with this post goes beyond letting you know the reasons to value a small achievement, in fact the purpose is to reflect on the importance of a new beginning.

In the worst case scenario, let's assume that in our lives came a small achievement and we let it go, the important thing is not to regret for letting go of that small achievement but we must understand the importance of assuming a new beginning, it is necessary to get up and assume a positive attitude towards the facts.

In the case that we manage to get up it is important that we go to the origin of things, plan everything very well and start again, from there we will surely see how we begin to gain ground, we will begin to realize new achievements, and with the learning acquired from old failures we will add those small achievements until we reach the total success of reaching the great desired goal.

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