071623: Cheers To The Magic Of New Beginnings

Cheers to the magic of new beginnings
(Photo: Snowbird, Utah)

A pleasant Sunday midnight, amazing people, and hello to them on the other side!

**16th of July **

Today, I'm sliding into being a year older. I don't celebrate birthdays, and I nearly failed to remember how old I was until I checked the calendar. Long ago, I stopped counting. Nonetheless, I like birthdays since they mark the end of one more year that I've had and the beginning of another year for me to succeed, come up short, live, learn, take risks, and develop. Life is generally about growing, pushing ahead, recuperating, taking what we've realized, and putting it to use. I set some realistic goals for my birthdays. I make vows to myself. I generally search for ways I can propel myself beyond my comfort zone.
It doesn't need to be your birthday to do this. It may very well be a random Wednesday in December. We can always start from where we are, make conscious decisions to make the necessary changes, even when it's tough.

Some of you have been with me from the very beginning, and lots of friends have been picked up along the way. I am so blessed and grateful to have all of you! Cheers to the magic of new friendships and new beginnings!

⊱ღ One love ⊱ღ

July 16, 2023, 12:50 a.m. PST
In between the farm and the beach

(All texts, photos, and videos are my own and were taken by me unless stated otherwise; Please DO NOT copy.)

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