A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words- Cravings

Image by @wakupkitty

I'm so happy that I would be going on a special date with Glory. We decided to hit a very nice restaurant during our date, Glory suggested we get some ice cream with berries to spice up the exciting moment that we were sharing.

The ice cream was served and we were happy, so I decided to go into a deep conversation with Glory in other get to know more about her. we were chatting and the conversation was getting deeper when Glory decided to divert my attention for a minute and behold it was a kid staring at us or would I say the cup of ice cream lying on our table.

I was very surprised even while the kid knew that we were looking at him he was still staring, I playfully said to Glory that the boy must be craving for some ice cream. I wanted to hand over my cup of ice cream to the innocent looking kid, but Glory reminded me that he was with his parents that it would not be nice handing it over to him without the consent of his parents who were with him but was so concentrated on the conversation they were having.

I wanted to neglect the boy but he never stopped staring, so I took the courage by walking up to his parents and asking if I can buy a cup of ice cream for their kid. his parents accepted the offer and I bought the ice cream and gave it to the kid, he was very happy and his parents thanked me.

I went back to sit with Glory and we discussed about how kids can act when they are craving for something, we laughed and continued our conversation...

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