The military coup in Chile and the rise to power of Augusto Pinochet

In 1973, a military coup took place in Chile. General Augusto Pinochet and his henchmen overthrew the legitimately elected Government of national unity led by President Salvador Allende.

Allende's reforms noticeably improved the lives of ordinary Chileans, but interfered with the interests of large industrialists and American corporations. The participation of the US special services in the preparation of the coup has been proven.

The rebels bombed radio stations and TV towers, stormed the presidential palace. Salvador Allende fought and died with a gun in his hands.

Pinochet's bloody regime has begun. Mass shootings, opponents of the regime were sent to concentration camps. Thousands of people were killed, 28,000 were tortured, and about 4,000 went missing.

Pinochet's dictatorship lasted 17 years. After the restoration of democracy, the dictator was put on trial, but died before sentencing.

Image: Britannica

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