
Dan has been searching for the part of the novel were he has passed the bookmark, a piece of silk, thin line-like clothe that was attached to the to of the book and passed vertical through the book to serve as a mark. He had been reading the novel for a couple of days now and had almost gone through the 360 paged book when he got called by his father about an hour back. Originally he would have remembered the page number but the weight of the call and the scolding he had received due to a recent misbehavior, had not be helpful to his memory.
He thumbed frantically through the leaves but could not find the bookmark.
"How did it get off the book?" He said to himself as he wondered if someone else had entered his room while he went to face his domestic panel but his elder sister, Jane was not home and his immediate 12 year old younger brother Peter, had been sent on an errand even before he was called and has not returned.
As he angrily thumbed through the leaves to try and remember the story line, he his 1 year old brother, Jack walked in, chewing the silk bookmark.
"You little imp!" Dan muttered under his breath.

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