Happy Monday


Hi, gentlemen and ladies of hive. Happy new week. It's Monday again here in Nigeria.
Monday in my culture is believed to be a day of fortune or profit and that Mondays determine how the rest of the week will be for that individual. For example, if you go late to work on a Monday, it is believed that the chances are high that you will be late to work through that week.

Also,the thought of "oh its Monday again" can be exciting and depressing at the same time. You know before it's Monday, it's a weekend, time to rest and have a break from normal Monday to Friday work routine for those that fit into that category, have fun with friends as well.

I have heard people wished the weekend was longer. I remembered sometime ago when I was having a chit chat with my friend and it was on a Monday. So I asked how was your weekend, she said "so short". She wished she could continue with the weekend. She added that if she could get a time machine and put the world on a halt on weekends so she could have enough rest. Funny and selfish, I jokingly replied

For some, it's so exciting, they look forward to it. They can't wait to get their week started.
However, for another category of people, it doesn't even matter if it's Monday or not, they always have their hands on deck, and decide to rest when they have the opportunity.


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