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¡Buenos días a toda la familia #hive! Ésta es mi participación en el concurso: "Una imagen vale más que mil palabras", convocada por @freewritehouse.


Ella se levantaba cada mañana a atenderlo y tener su desayuno listo, como hacía desde hace más de 50 años; nada había cambiado entre aquella hermosa pareja que había consolidado su amor desde que eran unos jovencitos.

Él se sentaba a comer mientras conversaban, a veces se le enfriaba su café por dejarlo mucho rato sin tocar, y ella amablemente se levantaba y le servía otro para que lo disfrutara bien caliente, y con el desayuno hacía lo mismo, si era necesario. Su idea del matrimonio desde toda la vida, era hacerse sentir bien mutuamente, y ambos lo habían logrado.

Cuando ella no se sentía bien, era su marido quien se levantaba y le hacía el desayuno, e incluso, se lo llevaba a la cama. Le decía estas palabras:

--- ¡Descansa mi amor! Yo me encargo de todo lo demás.

Ella respondía con una dulce sonrisa.

Después de tomar su desayuno se iban a caminar por el parque, compraban el periódico y se sentaban en un banco a leerlo. Eran de escasos recursos, sus dos hijos les enviaban dinero cada vez que podían, y con ese ingreso cubrían los gastos más importantes.

Ya los anteojos de él estaban vencidos, le costaba leer las letras pequeñas del periódico pero era una costumbre de toda la vida, no la podía cambiar. Los anteojos de ella le servían a él, así que cada vez que iban a leer la prensa ella se los cedía para que él pudiera leer, y ella, tan hermosa, fingía estar leyendo cómodamente y a veces ni cuenta se daba que su periódico estaba al revés, pero con hacerlo sentir bien a él, ya se sentía conforme. Tenerlo a su lado era la esencia de su vida.

Autora: Ana C. Rivero Foucault - Venezuela (@annafenix)


She got up every morning to take care of him and have his breakfast ready, as she had done for more than 50 years; nothing had changed between that beautiful couple that had consolidated her love since they were young.

He would sit down to eat while they talked, sometimes his coffee would get cold because he left it untouched for a long time, and she kindly got up and served him another so that he could enjoy it piping hot, and with breakfast she would do the same, if necessary. His whole life idea of ​​his marriage was to make each other feel good, and they had both done it.

When she was not feeling well, it was her husband who would get up from her and make her breakfast, and even take it to bed. He said these words to her:

--- Rest my love! I take care of everything else.

She responded with a sweet smile.

After having her breakfast they would go for a walk in the park, buy the newspaper and sit on a bench to read it. They were poor, their two children sent them money whenever they could, and with that income they covered the most important expenses.

His glasses were already out of date, she had a hard time reading the small print in the newspaper but it was a lifelong habit, she couldn't change it. Her glasses served him, so every time they went to read the press she gave them to him so that he could read, and she, so beautiful, pretended to be reading comfortably and sometimes she didn't even realize that her newspaper was at hand. the other way around, but with making him feel good, he already felt satisfied. Having him by her side was the essence of her life.

Author: Ana C. Rivero Foucault - Venezuela (@annafenix)

Me despido hasta una próxima convocatoria de esta maravillosa comunidad. ¡Feliz día!

I say goodbye until a next call for this wonderful community. Happy day!