Live To Impress & You'll Live To Fail


Most people fail to realize that the majority of their action are driven by people's judgements. It was Marcus Aurelius who said: "It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more
than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own"

Living to impress other people affects each and every aspect of our life, including our financial status, our daily habits, and much more.

Morgan Housel, the author of The Psychology Of Money said: "A lot of spending is the gap between your ego and your income" he also added: "The amount of money that you are spending or the amount of money that you are saving is the gap between how much money you make and how much do you wanna show the rest of the world how much you make"

The reality is: we often want to show people that we make more money than what we actually make, whether it be by wearing jewelry, expensive clothes, or even an expensive car.

Many people get into debt just to prove to other people they have a good financial status, one that is beyond their purchasing power, and that's how many people are never able to escape the debt trap.

Ask yourself, Why do you want to impress other people? Why do you need to show off what you have? And why do you need to prove something to other people?

I believe the desire to impress people comes from not being able to impress yourself, when you feel you're not enough, that's when you try your best to impress other people.

The most important thing is; people aren't even concerned, they do not care, and no one will remember you after you death as the man who had a fancy car or life.

Try to identify the reasons for your desire to impress other people and eliminate this desire forever, this will help you win in so many ways.

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