Day 2019: 5 Minute Freewrite: Prompt: pattern recognition

This is my entry for Day 2019: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: pattern recognition

Before even AI technology went mainstream with the launch of ChatGPT and then other companies follow suit to launch their own AI app, our lives is already been monitored.

All the data that we share, and received is tracked, and then analyzed by the learning machine so that it knew almost everything from us. They even have pattern recognition technology to know the repetitive thing that we usually do on the internet, and then give suggestions for our real life.

The internet is full of potential, yet it seems to be a place that one day can control your total real life. They will give you suggestions from past preferences, you pattern through pattern recognition. It feels good in a certain way, only to know that it is not what we really are.

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