ZapFic50Monday - Two Fools

Here we are, a little comedy inspired by today's ZapFic Monday prompt - "pole". Enjoy !

Image by TravelCoffeeBook from Pixabay

Ted pushed the flag into the snow where the magnet pointed straight down. “There, the South Pole.”
Joe re-read the brief. “Idiot! We are supposed to put it at the Geographic Pole, not the magnetic one. We’ve got another 1800 miles to walk!”

For any of my friends (or anyone else, for that matter !) who reads this and fancies giving it a try, it's really fun and thought provoking. The rules are really simple;

  • The Freewriters Community has a Zapfic post with a writing prompt every Monday alternating between posts up to 240 characters exactly 50 word posts.
  • Your response must be posted within 3 days in the Freewriters Community.
  • Please post a link to your entry in the comments section of the prompt post
  • Please use #freewritehouse and #zapfic tags.
  • The important one - YOU MUST use a word/character counter (if you search for word counter on the internet or in your phone's app store you will get a big choice!) and include a screenshot. Entries without a screenshot will NOT be valid.
  • Please use the prompt provided as you see fit (use your imagination)
  • Try to tell a complete story if you can!
  • The story should only be up to 240 characters long (including spaces, punctuation etc) or exactly 50 words long.It isn't Monday without #ZapFicMonday! Write me a story using 240 characters or less!
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