Essential Car Knowledge ^ Understanding Faults, Features, and Engine Health for Good Drivers

A good car driver is the one who knows about every field of the car and the faults that you overcome with. There are many drivers who are just general driver and don't know about the rules and traffic regulations. Similarly they yet don't know about the car features which they use it on regular base.

As I discussed that many people who are drivers still don't know about the automatic gear transmissions and what are the working of D1, D2, D3, L and L2. They only buy a car but don't even learn about its features and other workings.

A good driver always know about each and every feature of the car, the faults they overcome with, they must know about the check engines signs, they must know how to change the tyres in case of puncture and many more. They must have a proper tool box where every kind of tools must be available for them.

Once I was with my friends who was driving car on the long route, on the way we felt that our car is bouncing which on knowing confirms that one of the tyre got puncture. He was the driver and this is supposed for him to change the tyre but honestly he was unknown how to change the tyre.


There are many other drivers who don't know about car faults and even the basics of the car features. Today I am going to give a touch about healthy engine and what are the signs of faulty engine. this will help someone knowing about the engine fault and when they must be attention about engine.

The four signs of faulty engine are that it will more smoke means the smoke will be appear while you accelerate your car. A kind of hustling and knocking sound will be hear from the engine which indicates that your engine piston has got weak. The third sign is that a check light will appear in the meter again and again. Also you will notice more fuel consumption.

What to do to maintain your engine healthy and fit all the time. Always have a proper check and balance about your engine room that all of the bolts and nuts are properly fitted or well tight. Keep changing engine oil after every 3000KM. Keep your engine tune after every long drive and this will help your engine stays healthy and powerful.

Is this post informative for you people and had you learned something about engine? Do you think a good drive must know about cars every fault and feature? Will be glad to see your answer in the comments below.

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