[ENG_ESP] Errors | Errores - #ZapFicMonday

This is my participation in the #zapficmonday. The challenge is to write a story using 240 characters or less, with this prompt: error.

[ENG - Translated with Deepl]

They shut down the robot remotely. The picture was grim: hundreds of civilians dead. He had warned them that things could go wrong, that it was too early to launch it to guard the streets. On the computer, he checked the report: 0 errors.

[ESP - Original.]

Apagaron el robot remotamente. El panorama era desconsolador: cientos de civiles muertos. Les había advertido que las cosas podrían salir mal, que era pronto para lanzarlo a custodiar las calles. En la computadora, revisó el informe: 0 errores.

La imagen fue creada con el modelo de inteligencia artificial Stable Diffusion.
The image was created with the Stable Diffusion artificial intelligence model.

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