GETTR gets dragged through the mud. Gab wins BIG.

GETTR had a marketing nightmare last week.

During Tuesday night’s episode of the Timcast IRL livestream, GETTR CEO, Jason Miller, was dragged through the mud for claiming his platform is the home of free speech, while at the same time not being able to articulate his site’s rules for how it determines which accounts get banned.

The video was circulating the internet for 24 hours.

As you can see in the clip, Miller is obviously unaware of what exactly certain accounts said (most notably Nick Fuentes) that violated the so-called free speech platform’s terms and conditions.

This promoted a lot of immediate backlash, with many drawing similarities to the same vagueness Twitter operates by.

Gab was probably the loudest voice on Tuesday, live tweeting the whole GETTR trainwreck while reiterating the same message it has been saying for years; Gab respects free speech more than any other platform on the internet.

This prompted THOUSANDS to sign up for Gab overnight.

Gab’s CEO, Andrew Torba, soon announced that he would be a guest on the Timcast IRL live stream on Thursday.

500 thousand views later, Gab amounted 25,000 new users.

Most notably, Torba was asked about his site’s terms and conditions. Where he epically responded by holding up a copy of the constitution.

He also shared that he considers GETTR a part of big tech.

If it’s in the App Stores, and/or hosted on Big Tech servers it’s not free speech. Period. If it depends on Big Tech infrastructure it is a de facto subsidiary of Big Tech by default.

Here’s a little more behind Torba’s logic.

All this paints a very interesting picture for what a free speech ecosystem really looks like.

On one hand, Gab doesn’t ban anyone – no matter what they say. So new users on the platform can expect to come across racist posts, flat out lies, and other types of content that would never be allowed anywhere else.

At the same time, Gab will never be accused of kicking someone off its platform for vague reasons underneath the umbrellas of “misinformation” and “hate speech,” thus removing the slippery political slope that many other sites contend with daily.

Gab’s argument for combatting distasteful content?

- **You are in control** of who you follow.
- **You are accountable** for what you say / do / interact with.
- **You are responsible** for who / which topics you mute / block.

Many see Gab’s perspective as the only way forward for our society, especially considering all the controversies surrounding big tech platforms and their biased approach to deeming what content is acceptable opposed to others.

We are just in the beginning of this unique experiment, so only time will tell for how this all plays out in the end. But one thing is for certain, Gab is the only platform offering something truly new and different.

Since both of these episodes of the Timcast IRL live stream premiered, GETTR has been in full out crisis mode.

We talked about Joe Rogan moving to GETTR a few weeks ago, but since then, even the king of the internet has had his slew of criticisms.

There’s even leaked audio to confirm GETTR’s panic.

I will continue to track this story as it progresses, but would urge you to check out Gab for yourself in the meantime.

You can even follow us here, as we’ve invested in the infrastructure, and have been pleased with the results so far!

Moves are being made in the building of parallel economies and which companies freedom lovers like us give our time, energy, and attention to. We’re thrilled to play a part.

You can watch both episodes (which I highly recommend) below.

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