Beton i Sahara 50 nijansi sive 👨🏻‍🎨🌃👨🏻‍🎨 Concrete and Sahara 50 shades of gray


Veliki pozdrav prijatelji i ljubitelji zivotnog prostora. Savremen nacin zivota zahteva i savremeno uredjenje zivotnog prostora. Vec sam pricao o mome rodjaku Stefanu koji mi pomaze u radu, a i o njegovom uredjenju sopstvene kuce.

Greetings friends and lovers of living space. A modern way of life also requires a modern arrangement of the living space. I have already talked about my cousin Stefan, who helps me with my work, and about his arrangement of his own house.





Stefan je krenuo sa uredjenjem svoje kuce pocetkom godine, ali kao i sve nas omela ga je trenutna situacija i kriza. Uredjenjem kuce je potrajalo evo vec 9 meseci. Ja sam mu pomagao u uredjenju ali koliko je imao para toliko se radilo. Najzad doslo je do završetka poslova.

Stefan started decorating his house at the beginning of the year, but like all of us, he was hindered by the current situation and crisis. The arrangement of the house took 9 months. I helped him with the arrangement, but as much money as he had, so much work was done. Finally, the work was completed.




Posle izrade struje, rigipsa, plocica, grejanja, montaže vrata i prozora, krecenja na red je posla i izrada tekorativne tehnike. Izabrao je tehniku "Beton" i "Saharu".

After making electricity, plasterboard, tiles, heating, installation of doors and windows, the next step is the creation of decorative techniques. He chose the "Concrete" and "Sahara" techniques.





Dekorativna tehnika "Beton" izvodi se na zidovima koji su malterisani ili su na bazi cementa, gradjevinski lepkovi. Koristi se praskasta masa koja se mesa sa vodom do zeljene tvrdnoce, nanosi se spahlom i hoblom. Struktura se dobija raznim alatom. Završni premaz je "Velatura". O tehnici "Sahara" sve sam vam vec ispričao. Za završni premaz izabrali smo sive nijanse.

Decorative technique "Concrete" is performed on walls that are plastered or are based on cement, construction adhesives. A crumbly mass is used that is mixed with water to the desired hardness, applied with a trowel and a trowel. The structure is obtained with various tools. The final coating is "Velatura". I have already told you everything about the "Sahara" technique. We chose gray shades for the final coating.




Najzad je gotovo. Nama se svidja, a vama? Dragi prijatelji vidimo se sledeći put u mome svetu boja.
Vas Ujka-vs

It's finally over. We like it, and you? Dear friends, see you next time in my world of colors.
Your Ujka-vs

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