What you might miss


People spend so much time looking at their phones these days; if you can tear your eyes away from yours the next time you're in public, take a look around for yourself. You'll see people walking and looking, sitting in the park and looking, at the cafe looking, on dates and with friends looking...always looking as if within that screen lies the most amazing thing. That's the lure of social media or those dumbass games available on phone apps, Candy Crush for instance, that seem to captivate people and cause their eyes to be glued to their phone screens.

I often wonder how much time they do it and know there's studies around that exact thing, particularly with children and youth who tend to spend an inordinate amount of time with their face fixed to their phone. I've watched such people get agitated when they cannot watch their phone screen or compromise their own safety or that of others just to keep their eyes on the screen and I wonder what could be so compelling. I don't know the answer but don't feel it's a good thing, all that phone-screen-staring.

I understand that people work on their phones, that's not what I'm talking about here though...I'm talking about those who spend hours on social media scrolling that endless feed looking for...looking for...I don't know to be honest...and the way they justify it by saying, I'm keeping up with friends and family, an excuse that doesn't hold much credence to me. Is there nothing better these people could be doing? That's a rhetorical question because I know the answer is, yes.

I took the image you see here and am often amazed at what I can see through the lens of a macro camera and which my human eyes miss...What do you think people miss when they spend their time gazing at their phone instead of at their surroundings and people around them?

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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