The moment in time

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Black and white are the colors of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.

- Robert Frank -

I always use photos I have personally taken in my posts but it's been a long while since I've done a photography-specific post so I went searching through my folders and ran into these, the reject shots from a shoot I did with one of my watches. I like black and white photography, it adds a more dramatic feel to the shot and I like the contrast of one extreme to the other and the nuances of all those shades in between.

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This is a watch I rarely wear. It stays locked up in one of my gun safes and only comes out a couple times a year. I have thought about selling it a few times but feel reluctant as I purchased the watch to mark a momentous achievement in my life and even though I don't wear it much just knowing it's there reminds me of what went into that achievement; it's not the watch that truly matters, it's the effort and achievement that brought it into my life that means the most.

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Life isn't black and white; most people's lives hold many shades of grey in between those two extremes and mine has too. Life is colourful - vibrant hues subtle pastels - life is varied I guess. No matter what it may appear to be in any given moment, though whether it is good, bad or indifferent, it's always life, and I think the fact we have it is something we should take the time to celebrate and respect...and make the most of.

So that's it today, just a few images that signify a moment in time, part of my life I hold as significant. I wonder if y'all have things within your possession that you have acquired due to a special event of moment in your life, or one that reminds you of such a time. Feel free to comment should you wish to.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own

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