Somewhat weird

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Human beings like to think they're masters of this planet however I believe the planet is its own master and even it doesn't have full control over what's going on sometimes. I guess that's what nature is all about though, things just happen naturally one way or another and the lack of control is the constant; one things causes something else to occur and the cycle, called evolution, rolls out.

Evolution is an amazing thing and over time has caused some interesting plants and animals to come into being on this planet, humans included - take a look around you and you'll see some of them - although realistically everything on planet Earth is evolving all the time no matter how slow and the planet itself does as well.

There's loads of weird creatures on planet Earth and despite humans believing we are in control some of what nature has brought into being is a total mystery to us and the planet's oceans are one of those places where those mysteries abound.

A while back I was at an aquarium full of undersea creatures and found it fascinating.

There's an entire world down there that most of us will never get to see or understand and so much that human scientists and marine biologists simply have no clue about. I think it's amazing and can only imagine how excited a marine biologist may get when they discover something new or gain understanding of something that had previously perplexed them.

Something that always amazes me is how weird undersea creatures can be and I often wonder why they've evolved as they have; nature always has a reason I suppose and determining what it is can be the big challenge. I watch a lot of documentaries and am often mind-blown by what I learn and as I wondered around the aquarium I could, in some small way, imagine what it might be like for those exploring the mysteries of the planet's oceans.

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I've done a fair amount of snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, in Australia as I used to live right there and can say with certainty that what one sees beneath the surface is incredible, a little scary at times, and somewhat weird. It's incredible though and the more I see the more I want to see. It's not for everyone I guess, diving and snorkeling, but the cool thing is we can see some of those wondrous things in aquariums from time to time.

This post shows a few of the weird creatures found under the sea including a moray eel which looks like an angry bastard, hermit crab and lobsters which are some weird-ass looking things for sure! There's also an image of a crown of thorns starfish, a very invasive creature that feeds on coral, sponges and other stuff and which causes untold damage to the Great Barrier Reef.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Images photographed at the Cairns aquarium, Australia

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