Hate the[m] all


It's a powerful word and one with such negative connotation but people feel it, justify and promote it, run to and from it and...well, it's a human emotion that has given great motivation to many, and will in the future also. Hate.

- Me -

I don't think all hate is bad...imagine a person who hates the fact they're addicted to drugs but feel trapped by the addiction - the hate may cause them to find the courage and strength to defeat the habit. But there's certainly a sinister side to hate as well, I don't think you need an example, and where humans are hate will exist, as will it's opposite as well.

I hate the[m] all

Ok, I'm just trying to be clever with the title - and maybe failing - and what I really mean is that, I hate the mall.

I never used to hate shopping malls but over my life I've had certain experiences that fundamentally changed me - some good changes and maybe some not (mostly really good) - and there's something about shopping malls that drive me bonkers now. The noise, the constant babble of humanity, the cacophony of different music emanating from the stores all at once, people bumping into me, bloody slow walkers, the way marketing plays preys on people, consumerism in general, manufactured air, running into people from my past I don't want to see and not being able to duck out of the way of them, there's a lot of reasons I hate the mall...but here I am writing a post sitting in one whilst having a coffee and waiting for my girl to arrive.


At least the coffee is good - there's no hate for coffee!

She went to see a friend in hospital across the road and it felt a little awkward for me to be there (it's girls stuff) so I went in for a quick hello and beat a hasty retreat. We're at the mall to grab a few things, and maybe some lunch, and then I'll be gone. What things? Socks folks - I know, it's not at all exciting.

I could buy them online which would solve the hate the shopping mall thing, but I like to touch and feel the things I buy (and support jobs) so here I am at the fucken mall.

I have a need over want ethos and tend to stick to it. I buy things I don't need (want items) of course but generally I won't buy something 'just because' so shopping malls are places that hold little value or attraction, I'd rather be in the park walking or anywhere else with nature around me, fresh air and a little peace and quiet, but I can't buy socks in the park so shopping malls are a thing...but that doesn't mean I have to like them.

I know so many people see the shopping mall as a place to go for something to do, entertainment and all, and to some degree it's good for that (people watching and all) but for me I can think of better places to be.

What about you? Do you gravitate towards shopping malls even when you don't have to be there? Do you enjoy them, find them annoying like me but tolerate them when needed? What's your deal? Feel free to comment if you'd like to...but I'm not forcing you ok? It's your choice.

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Image(s) in this post are my own

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