Accounting and counting down

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I'm not good with numbers and would make a terrible accountant - only someone who wanted their accounting completely fucked up would employ me - so it's fortunate I'm not an accountant.

I have one though and this week have spent some time with her getting my income tax return sorted out for the 2023/2024 year. I'm happy to be getting a nice (chunky) return based on deductions and other factors and in a couple of weeks when it's paid through to my bank I'll be dropping the funds into some investments to get the money working for me. It's always a good week when I find out I'm getting a good tax return.

I've had a good week so far in general; nothing great happened, it's just been nice, non-offensive or complicated from a work or personal perspective and, of course, here we are moving into Friday and the end of the week. I'd be lying if I didn't say I've been counting down the days, hours, minutes. I like my weekends so look forward to them coming around.

Work has been good this week, a few challenges here and there but nothing I couldn't handle and I learned from them so that's always a positive. Personally, the week has been good. I've been ploughing through episodes of House of Cards and am now into the final season (season six) so that should get sorted by the end of the weekend and I can get onto the next thing I'll watch which, at this stage, is unconfirmed. I've also been doing a lot of rowing on my rowing machine, interval training, and I'm feeling pretty's lower impact than running so swapped to that while a foot injury heals.

We're going out on Saturday night, an event and dinner afterwards, with a group of about twenty people. I'm looking forward to it as this group of people don't gather a lot, maybe only twice a year, but it's always a good night in which many stories will be exaggerated, embellished or lied about and there'll be a lot of laughs...and eye rolling from the wives and partners because all us blokes can be...well, exasperatingly annoying when we start telling lies about the old days. It is what it is though, and will be a good night.

Other than that, the week has passed uneventfully and my weekend will also.

What about you? Have you had a good week, got something great planned for the weekend, or have you had a shit week and are planning an even shittier weekend? What about your tax situation? I know you may have different financial year-ends than here in Australia (it's June 30 here), but have you had a pleasant surprise, or a nasty one, with your income tax lodgment? Feel free to comment if you like, or don't.

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