Farming Bot Update

Pixel Tycoons

Farming Bot Update

PixelTycoons non custodial (and non-login) telegram NFT game will suffer a crucial update to make it as realistic as it was always intended.

What does this mean for the Pixel Farmer?

From the new update onwards, true ownership control will be applied on the farming bot, just like it is applied on the Magic Guild Bot. The delay in bringing this feature is due to the increased complexity and and amount of Data that every Land Asset needs to handle, in comparison to the Magic Guild Bot, which in essence is a much simpler mechanic.

True Ownership Control

From now on, there are 2 things that can happen when you run the command /sync, /farm or /harvest.

Ownership Transfer

In case you transfered any Land and run any of the commands mentioned above the following will happen:

1. By finding a registered land in the User File, which is not held by the User anymore, the bot will transfer that in-game ownership to a "Ghost" User. That "Ghost" User is not operable by anyone, and solely purpose is to keep the transfered land captive until its "new" onwer either registers in game, or simply runs any of the 3 commands mentioned above (in the case of User being already registered).
    1.1 Due to point 1, Land NFTs carry out data, even if their owner changes. Land NFTs that are sold while in the process of farming, are sold with its content, therefore, only the new land owner can claim its prize, once the time has arrived!

2. Burned Assets will have their entries removed from the DataBase. Therefore burning 1 Land NFT while it is in the process of "farming" leads to losing anything that could be growing on it.
    2.1 Due to point 2, Land Parcel 2 blend at neftyblocks was removed to avoid any potential damage to users that use the contract to create higher rarity land.

    2.2 Due to point 2.1, a PixelTycoons in game solution will be deployed ASAP to replace the need to use the blenderizerx, therefore allowing to perform the same result at a more efficient energetic cost, as well as keeping integrety of Land data, while passing it on to the newly minted higher rarity Land.

I am sorry for the possible inconvenience that this may had brought, and i promise to be as quick as possible to create and integrate our native In Game Blends.

When will the update happen?

The update is ready and tested, but before its release, the whole DataBase will be analyzed to ensure that all values fit in conformity with the reality of Assets in circulation. Any mismatches will be dealt diplomatic in a way that the user will never be penalized by any potential innacurate data dissemination, allowed by the delay of this updated.

In 18 to 48 hours, it will be pushed and every registered user will receive a dm from our Farming Bot with news regarding the update

Like always, if any trouble arises or any anomaly is spotted, i can be found most easily on telegram under the handle @Funkaclau (same as here but with Capital F - easy to remember : )

Thank you for your time!

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