
Tonight I want to show you what I've been working on after that crazy week. I had a bit of clarity about what I do and it's what I've been trying to practice these last few days. I've also been trying out some more brushes in Corel, although they are of the same Chalk type, which I really like.


Even though the drawing isn't as dark this time, I haven't neglected that aspect because I use it to express myself. While I haven't completed the drawing I sketch it in my sketchbook for future realization. I have several things to do, so the schedule is a bit tight and I need to sleep. I was going to record the video for this but with so many in the queue and memory running low, unfortunately, it couldn't be recorded. Still, I left some images.




I started this drawing with the background, why? I wanted to try out some brushes. I used various styles until I got something I liked, and from there, I proceeded to work on the character.


Although the background was initially a bit dark, I planned to fix it later as I combined brushstrokes. I worked a bit on the character hmmm it was a vague idea, but it had the basic elements I intended to include.




The previous background was practically eliminated because, after some thought and mixing, I changed it and I like it better this way. This also gave me more time to work a bit more on the character. I softened the skin a bit more and temporarily removed the horns to enhance the head, as what I had before wasn't quite right.


I continued improving things with the girl and placed the horn back where it belonged. Although I had worked on a significant part of the body, I would ultimately cover it up because I didn't want the final piece to be seen revealing what I don't want to show with this drawing.




I wanted something a bit more chaotic, so after being a bit more satisfied with the girl, I decided to work a bit more on the background and touch up some things that still didn't fit well. But it was heading in the right direction, so good!


I hadn't worked much on the girl's face I did most of the facial features. I also worked on the horns, using the same brush that would serve to add those small points of brightness.






To finish, I detailed and polished the skin a bit more, added some color to the lips and cheeks anddd placed the missing elements like water and the flower in the desired locations. After making some adjustments to color, brightness and other little details, this was ready.

Thank you very much for taking the time to view my work.





𝕺𝖍𝖍𝖍 BTW


𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖊𝖎𝖋 𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙


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