Elona (Fire Witch) | Portrait


Hello Everyone! I wanna share my fanart of Elona as my entry for the Rada Quest Fan Art Contest 2nd edition. I've been wanting to join this contest, I love the theme of the game which is a fantasy adventure of Magic and Swords.

Art Process






After a while of looking for art inspiration in the marketplace, I finally found something that would also perfectly fit the portrait reference I found the other day. It is beautiful and gives off that villainess look matching with Elona's traits. For the art process, I started with a rough sketch to draw the pose and integrate the characteristics of Elona. Then made a neater sketch to start the coloring, I first painted the base colors then over it is a multiply layer for the shadows. I then painted facial features, I tried to venture out of my comfort zone and remove the lineart on the nose and just paint it directly using a hard brush and I think it looks good, I've been hesitant about it before because it would always blend on the surrounding skin.

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Rendering on the hair is my favorite in the whole process, I love painting those colorful highlights and textures. Here, I painted the accessories on her neck I don't exactly know what it's called something like a necklace or a part of her clothing, but I did try to imitate Wlop's jewelry on that part and also turned her headband into earrings. I then flattened the image and used the liquefy tool to adjust her head because the shape felt a bit stretched and here's the final result...


Thank You for your time! Happy Lunar New Year!

šŸ’¾ Krita
šŸ–Š XP-Pen Deco Mini 7


Elona (Fire Witch)
Original Art

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