Wood Nymph ~ Splinterlands character

Its been a month I am practicing digital art for @splinterlands weekly contest . I had no info of it and I was not good as well but with passage of time I perceived that I am getting better . I was teying easy and simple characters but for this week I tried something different and complex. I hope I would have succeeded in making a neat and beautiful character.

The character which I idealized to make my character was:

The name of character is

Wood Nymph

About character: Many years ago a unique and strange bud developed on elder trees. The nymph wood was very much different as it was acquiring the humanoid styles. The bud was scattering in frenzy and biotics living around we're seeing it grow and flourish, astonishingly.

Material Required;

Ibix x paint software
Digital pen Stylus


As the main feature of the character was its humanoid styles and human-like characteristics I also outlined while keeping in mind the human nature of the character and sketched every facial and body characteristic like humans.

In the next step I colored the character and starting with hair I painted it with green color to give it arboreal look. The black hair might have male it a human character instead of humanoid

In the reference picture, the colour of body was green and dress was of light colour but I altered it . I chose green colour for the dress and skin colour for the body.

After giving the final looks like dark blue colour in eyes,water flowing through the hands of the character and flower on head as like princess do, I finalized my character and here is it:

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