Golden dragon is awakened

Almost every living organism, who possess a slighly or fully developed nervous system, has assembled him in the form of a group or a specie. This group possess entities of same features and characteristics and they have always ascended one of them to a zenith position as chieftain and made themselves his aide to live with some rules and regulations. Dragons , a fierce specie, whose every entity is like an arrogant ruler has also made chief of them who is “ Golden Dragon”

Golden colour of the dragon also relates himself to some tales where an enormous amount of gold is concealed under the protection of some dragons. In many tales, dragons have been found sleepy on the bed of gold and is awakened on sensing:smelling any grudge or envious greed around. Yellow colour extracting out of mouth shows his wrathful anger which will burn out everything around.And huge flips ,the one whif of whome will fly him to miles. All these were my feelings when I found a new character for @splinterlands weekly contest.And I sketched out the character while keeping all this in my mind.

Material required:

Ibix x paint software
Digital paint
Reference picture


The makig of golden dragon was with alot of care because though it has huge body but it also has some unique features on his body which are integral part of this hydra.

I outlined tge boundaries of dragon to shape its body and then I sketched out characteristic features of it with accurate neatness.

The making of wings was not less than an onerous act because these were like the cachet of its personality and bit disturnance in them might have destroyed the whole personaliy.

Now to give life to the character , I employed colors similar to that of original character by using a dark shade of golden on outer skeleton and indigo colour on wings. While to show inner body I used grey color.

In the last I colored the horns by contrasting the yellow with chocolate color and hence my character was ready.

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