WILD STEP BY STEP OF MY CREATIVE PROCESS to make pixelart animations :p ENG/ESP

WILD STEP BY STEP OF MY CREATIVE PROCESS to make pixelart animations :p

((This is an animation that I had to make twice from scratch))


enjoy the process XD

Pixelart steph by steph (1).gif

Pixelart steph by steph.gif

Hi guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys!

I start by letting you know that

My commissions are open for this kind of animations,

so if you want to support me don't hesitate to contact me, C: below I will leave a link to my social so you can contact me for this kind of services.


Hola chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicos!
comienzo avisando que mis comisiones estan abiertas para este tipo de animaciones, asi que si quieres apoyarme no dudes en contactarme, C: abajo dejare enlace a mis redes por los cuales pueden contactarme para este tipo de servicios.


Reference to create: The king @klye

C: whenever you are going to make a portrait you will need a reference of the person or thing you want to make.

Referencia para crear: El Rey KLYE
C: siempre que vayas a hacer un retrato necesitaras una referencia de la persona o cosa que quieras hacer


In order to create something in pixelart you must have knowledge of how to compose something...
before breaking the rules you must know how they work, right?

So basically, I take my time to de-fragment the basic shapes of what I want to illustrate, the basics for a successful composition. then we'll add all the details.

En orden de crear algo en pixelart debes tener conocimiento de como componer algo...
Antes de romper las reglas debes saber como funcionan no?
asi que basicamente, me tomo mi tiempo en desfracmentar las formas basicas de aquello que quiero ilustrar, lo basico para una composicion existosa. luego añadiremos todos los detalles



Basic features, here I start to make what would be the lineart for the portrait.
C: keep in mind the measures and size of what you are doing, sometimes I forget, keep a measure or sizes inside the canvas but nothing that can not be solved with an eraser and patience XD aAHAAHAHA

Rasgos basicos, acá comienzo a realizar lo que seria el lineart para el retrato.
C: tengan en cuenta las medidas y el tamaño de lo que estan haciendo, a veces se me olvida, mantener una medida o tamaños dentro del lienzo pero nada que no se pueda resolver con borrador y paciencia XD aAHAAHA


Prepare your colors and make sure you use them well ;p



I suggest that you keep everything in separate layers and then, when you are really sure of what you have, merge all the layers together. C:

The details


This is an animation that I had to make twice from scratch


Whoever is afraid of dying better not be born....
It was the worst "lie down and sweat" I've ever experienced XD
because that day the power went out without warning not once, but twice....

And guess who lost the process of the almost finished animation... that's right ...

Me ...

After the light was gone there was nothing else to do... pass the rage and try to remember what I had done and how... my artistic process is not always so tidy.... the first one took me 3 hours, without the animation, the animation adds about 2 hours and a half more.

The second one I was able to do thanks to my visual memory in 1:20 min, and the animation in 2 hours, or less ... I don't really remember, my hand hurt and I was exhausted, but it was worth it, everything went as planned.

Guys remember to save your stuff always ALWAYS !!!! no matter how tedious or annoying it is.... TAT....

it's not that I don't usually save because it' s annoying, it's more a matter of, I don't want to disconnect from what I'm doing, the slightest noise disconnects me.... (that's why I always work listening to music or lofi C:

Esta es una animacion que tuve que hacer dos veces desde cero :D...
El que tenga miedo a morir que mejor no nazca....
Fue el peor "acuestate y suda " que he vivido XD
porque ese dia la luz se fue sin previo aviso no una, sino, dos veces....
y adivinen quien perdio el proceso de la animacion casi terminada... asi es .. yo
con el acuestate y suda
me refiero a que despues de que la luz se fue no habia nada mas que hacer... pasar la rabia y tratar de recordar lo que habia hecho y como... mi proceso artistico no siempre es tan ordenado.... el primero me tomo 3 horas, sin la animación, la animacion suma unas 2 horas y media mas.
El segundo pude hacerlo gracias a mi memoria visual en 1:20 min, y la animacion en 2 horas, o menos ... realmente no recuerdo, me dolia la mano y estaba agotada, sin embargo valio la pena, todo salió segun lo planeado.
chicos recuerden guardar sus cosas siempre SIEMPRE !!! no importa que tan tedioso o fastidioso sea... TAT...
no es que no suela guardar por fastidio, es mas un asunto de que, no quiero desconectarme de lo que estoy haciendo, el mas minimo ruido me desconcentra... (por eso siempre trabajo escuchando musica o lofi

Thanks for reading!

don't leave without giving a like !
every like makes a bunny somewhere in the world happy (?

thisnewgirl and klye.gif


Wanna get close? ;3 follow me on my socials~

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