Octavia Shadowmeld as my entry for this week's Splinterlands Art Contest!

Splinterlands Art Contest!

Hello guys, how are you all? I'm actually feeling good since yesterday because it finally RAINED here. It was just perfect for painting this artwork. As you can see I choose a character from the death splinter this time for drawing. I haven't fully explored this splinter so I decided to take a peak in there and I saw some really interesting cards in there. Octavia's design caught my eye and the claws, claws look badass like Scarecrow's claws from the Batman Arkham Knight PC game. To be honest she looks like a female version of the Scarecrow. If you are curious you can check for yourself haha.

Now there is some good news because I bought a tab recently, a mid-end Android tab from Oppo called Oppo pad Air so I painted this on it. Gotta say my eyes don't get watery anymore since it's a 10-inch screen so I was able to spend more time refining the artwork. I'm still getting used to drawing on a slippery screen haha. I have been drawing on my phone until now so this was a good upgrade. Hopefully, I can practice more as I participate more and improve over time. This wouldn't have been possible without your support guys so thank you so much :)

Octavia Shadowmeld


Official Design

Octavia Shadowmeld(1).png

The Process...













Short Explanation

I got this really cool pose from Pinterest. It's a perspective pose but I somehow managed to get it right? Once the rough sketch on paper was over I drew the lineart on the ibis app but this time I decided to make the lineart connected, unlike my previous artworks. You can see that in the process shots hehe. After I was done with that I started painting the base colour. I started with the head this time. I don't really know why I did it like that. I usually paint the whole thing and then individually add details on a separate layer. It must be my confidence issue XD. I thought the if the head look somewhat decent then it was worth continuing haha. Sometimes it's hard to trust the process even though it works out in the end lol.

After rendering the face and hoodie I moved on to rendering the other parts. But it was not fully done. I kept coming back and added more details in there until the painting was finished. There was some issue with Lineart as well so I fixed that too.

The lower part of the body was painted with airbrush which is something I wanted to do for a really long time. It was tough to use an airbrush with fingers but with a stylus, no problemo haha. The best part was adding highlights and rim lights on the body. The rim lights really helped to define the edges because the colour palette of the card was dark. On top of that, I added some graphic textures like the halftone on the left side. I wanted to render the shoulder armour but this pose hides it so that was a missed opportunity because I found this really short and cool tutorial from Pinterest for armour rendering. I guess there is always next time hehe.

I made some slight adjustments to the claws. I like to glow stuff so the claw was perfect for it so I swapped the poison with shock glow around it. If you notice the belt, I also changed it's design to resemble that of the poison tank she is carrying. That worked out well and the new design looks great with the suit. It feels like an upgrade. Everything is magic now haha.

After that, I made the background and boy it was tough because I didn't have an idea what to draw in there. When this happens I usually use the character as the background by playing with some transform fx settings to get a nice design as the base. After that, I decided to add a blue smoke-like thingy around the blades to follow the official design. Once that was done I noticed that she has a lot of skulls on her so to decided to add some ghosts around her but in a low opacity with Gaussian blur. We don't want to divert the attention to the ghosts so this helps a lot. After a bit more refining I completed the painting today.

Overall the painting experience on the tab is great. I love that I can paint nice long strokes in there now. My finger says thank you as well as he can finally rest now haha.

Tools used: Ibis paint x, Notebook and Pencil

Duration: 14hrs

Pose reference source

I hope you enjoyed the painting guys and thank you so much for your time 😊

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