Dream: Inktober Day 1 Prompt

What good guys! Yesterday after Powering Up my hive for the #HPUD, I proceeded to search for the #inktober2023 prompts and started sketching, I was really hopeful that I could post this yesterday but I was so tired and I just chose to rest halfway through the art process and continued sketching as soon as I woke up later in the night, and so here is my entry. πŸ‘‡

Inktober Day 1 Prompt: Dream


When I saw the first prompt was Dream I got hyped and thought to myself this can be a challenge for me to complete all 31 prompts, and that, would be freakin awesome! Anyway, I'm just gonna share my art process for my work.

I'm using Medibang Paint for my digital work, and this is on a 1080x1080 Pixel frame, For the first layer I drew my perspective lines and added another layer for the radial perspective and started to sketch out my Astronaut.

After finishing my model, I resize cut it out piece by piece and stretch it out from head to its lower extremities, making the model more defined and detailed. My concept is all about our state of consciousness when we're in the dream world, we are like astronauts.

Here's the transformation of my sketch to the final model


I started to fill in the background, the concept would be my model seemed to be lost, wondering a the middle of nowhere, at the same time, aware that it's all in a dream state, which somehow is how dream works right? like you suddenly pop out of reality, and all of a sudden you're in the middle of darkness empty world, and as you collate yourself...


Patterns and shapes start to make out of nothingness, it's almost a psychedelic adventure, everything is hazy, and it feels like you're familiar with this place and you belong to this place, not until you wake up that is.

By the way, I used a Watercolor brush tool in making the background and also used a smudged tool (Soft) to create the hazy sky.

I used the edge pen tool, in this process, to make the corner like seawater, to make it like a 3rd-person perspective of the dreamer, where he sees himself while simultaneously playing the role as a first-person. (Did it make sense?) 🀣 I think that's how dreams are for me.

Almost finished

Then using the Stripple pen tool I mix and match the different colors that make it seem like creative juices is coming out of the mind of the Astronaut that makes out every bit of blocks of the #dream

and for the finishing touches, I changed the layer the Psychedelic sky layer's blending from normal to divide, and it changed the color to dark blue, and that's all of it I guess. I hope you like it! Cheers! πŸ˜…

Oh, by the way, I went back to the inktober site and it says to use a pencil or pen, and never mention digital artwork, so I'm like, "Oh fudge! 🀦🏽". and so I did a quick creation using my physical drawing pad and a ballpen. and this is what I did.

Pen and Pad version


Feel free to share your thoughts on my works, and tell me if you notice something with the digital and the pen illustrations. πŸ˜›


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