"Vanilla Crisps" (Compilation) by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


1 Oct. 2024


Howdy Folks,

My name might be Richard F. Yates. (What's in a name?) My job is grandpa / artist / Holy Fool / psychic vampire. You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. Xanadu!

Today is October 1st, 2024. I've been to the beach and had some celebrations and been exhausted and drank too much and drew and wrote a lot. (If I get to it, I'll try to photograph the GOOD BITS and share them...) Speaking of "sharing stuff," (or, more accurately, TYPING about sharing stuff), I'm trying to decide where my time and energy are most well used. Considering limited life-span, it seems essential for a Fool my age to make sure I'm not wasting TOO MUCH time. (Wasting a little bit is important, but wasting TOO MUCH is...is wasteful.)

Lately, I'm loving writing and drawing and mixing those two things, and I'm having a LOT of fun making my completely PROFITLESS NEOCITIES page. It's just like those OLD websites, where folks didn't care about algorithms or add revenue, and thus they wuz free to just share the shit they were (and I AM) passionate about. I suppose I COULD be doing that at HIVE, but because there's a monetary element, I'm not comfortable sharing things like memes and stolen artwork. At NEOCITIES, cuz there ain't no DOUGH involved, I just GO FOR IT!

I'm also having some fun with video lately, whether it's making videos with my grandkids or just howling like a lunatic, it's a hoot and a holler. Again, my motives aren't cash. (My wife probably wishes I was more interested in money, but... I don't know. Anarcho-punkism is a vicious philosophy for people who want to pay their bills...)

Yeah... Enjoying spending time with my wife and my daughters and my two grandkids, and I'm trying to write and draw as much as I can, even if I'm not SHARING as much anymore... I've never been super good at the SOCIAL element of "social media," not because I'm a total jerk (at worst I'm an indifferent asshole, which is much less malicious) but because I'm hyper-focused on making my own stuff! (Still need to dig my Casio keyboard out of the closet. Feeling the need to make some Darkwave / Synth / Electro-Folk nonsense music... Need to find the ladder!!!)

Hopefully, there are a few pieces here that you peeps find entertaining! Until next time!!!!



23 Sept. 2024


"Don't Be Afraid When a Crack in the Ice..." by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

dont be afraid when a crack in the ice....png

[Pencil and gel pen on paper with digital embellishments, color, and layers.] ...appears under your feet... The MONSTERS are probably coming up, regardless...



Still trying to TikkityTok like them youngsters do!




24 Sept. 2024


I'm super enjoying myself on the NEOCITIES website. I'm just PLAYING there, and it feels great! Go see (or be destroyed!)



25 Sept. 2024


"Anti-Social Media Master" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

anti-social media master.png

[Digital drawing created with a no-longer supported, free app on my phone. My wife already upgraded to a new phone, but I hate having to learn new shit, so I decided to keep the old one, for now. I mean, it still works, right? Do I really need to "upgrade" just because I can? NO! No goddam it. I'm content with what I have... To be fair, Mariah's old phone was destroyed cuz she likes to batter her electronics... She NEEDED a new one.] Social media for anti-social folks. Troll training. Welcome to the Pleasure Dome.



"How to Survive Being Shot Out of the Window of a High-Rise Apartment" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

how to survive being shot thru the window of a high rise apartment.jpg

[Liner pen, gel pen, and glitter pen on paper with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Don't go in to a high-rise apartment. Rich people can't be trusted.



"More Grumpy Critters" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

more grumpy critters.jpg

[Felt pen, liner pen, mechanical pencil, and colored pencil on fancy, white construction paper with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] They're ALWAYS in the head. Sometimes they get out...



"Exploring a Strange Garden" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

exploring a strange garden.png

[Digital drawing created with my phone over a snippet of found imagery.] What's stranger: the garden or the creature exploring it??? (Depends on your perspective!)



"Chicken Three Ways" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

chicken three ways.png

[Felt pen, liner pen, mechanical pencil, colored pencil, and gel pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments, color, and layers.] Fresh hypothetical poultry on Scooby Snacks! Beware the SPIRIT CHICKENS!!!



30 Sept. 2024


More NEOCITIES. It might be my favorite online self-expression platform at the moment:



1 Oct. 2024 (again... Full freakin' circle, dudes...)


My TEZOS sale is now officially over. There are still a few pieces that I released for ONE TEZOS that you can snag at my Objkt portfolio, if ya feelin' it, but I'm going back to 13 TEZ for a 1 of 1 for October. (Between the high price and the abandonment of Twitter-hole, I very effectively torpedoed my "commercial success," but that's okay. I've got fuckin' INTEGRITY, and I'm sticking to my ideals despite the hit to the INCOME. Ain't that just the way things go? No wonder sociopaths tend to do so well in business: NO MORALS TO GET IN THE WAY OF CASH!) Thanks for reading an old man's rants! Have a delightful AUTUMN! (Unless you want to be gloomy, then you do you and GLOOM THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR LIFE!!! AMEN!!!)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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