Shots in the Arms! by RFY (Holy Fool)

I've been trying for about a week to sneak in a few minutes worth of artz per day. UNFORTUNATELY for you folks (in the online world), most of my art making has been on the PHYSICAL side. I'm really falling behind in the photographing, digitally coloring, and sharing of my creations. Sorry!

Here's what I HAVE managed to get UP...


20 Nov. 2023


"Crap in a Can" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

crap in a can.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments, color, and drawing!] Artists can be strange folks. One individual even attempted to sell his own waste in a can as a conceptual / pop-art piece. My drawing is a bit more hygienic, even if the monsters are somewhat kooky! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


21 Nov. 2023


On our FOURTH attempt, Mariah and I finally got our covid + flu vaccines! Our first two attempts were foiled by the pharmacies not taking our insurance... (So bizarre...) The third time, we showed up for the shots having learned before-hand that this new place took our insurance, but when we arrived at the pre-appointed time - they were OUT of vaccines... Fourth attempt was yesterday, and we finally got what we'd been searching for...arm pokes and little bandaids...


"Shocking" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

shocking (july 2023).png

[Ballpoint pen and felt pen on notebook page with digital embellishments, color, and drawing.] Electrocuted WITHOUT electricity! Straight horror, baby... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Balloon Girl and Owl Shaman" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

balloon girl and owl shaman.jpg

[Felt pen, brush pen, and liner pen on reclaimed paper bag with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] When the magick starts flying, you call in the BEST! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


22 Nov. 2023


"Floating Mouse" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

floating mouse.png

[Felt pen, paint pen, brush pen, ballpoint pen, and metallic marker on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Mariah (aka: the BOSS; aka: my wife) thinks this piece looks like a totem pole with chaos erupting around it. I don't know what's happening. (My art is often "automatic," in the sense that I rarely pre-plan or have a specific image in mind when I start...) My friend, Mr. O.!, wrote a poem about what HE thinks is happening in this piece, and I think everyone should read that piece, and you CAN for free by visiting my PATREON page!!!

Meanwhile, why don't you tell me what YOU think is happening, cuz I'd be fascinated to see how these scribbles are interpreted!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Thru Science" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

thru science.png

[Felt pen, ballpoint pen, and paper collage on notebook page with digital embellishments, color, and drawing.] I put the ink marks into the book, and then THEY come to life! (Or, I need to refill some of my meds... Either way, it's fun for me!!!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Postcard Monster" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

postcard monster (15 aug 2023).jpg

[Felt pen, brush pen, colored pencil, paint pen, metallic marker, cardboard collage, and packing tape on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Yeah... I made this monster.... I THINK (though I'm not 100 percent certain) that I sent this piece to one of my brothers... Maybe? Who knows... My art is mailed out all over the world. Nobody will ever be able to catalog it all... Ha! (Not even a LONG SHOT!!!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Cosmic Sugarbaker" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

cosmic sugarbaker.png

[Digital drawing created in a no-longer-supported, free app on my phone.] A strange, enigmatic phenomenon in which cosmic cotton candy floss appears in the center of the galaxy... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Punk Attitude" by Richard F. Yates & Felicity Echo Hanson

punk attitude.png

[Liner pen, gel pen, and pencil on paper with digital embellishments and color.] Here's a fun piece from a couple days ago created by my granddaughter, Felicity, and me. I will always love her energy. I hope that she doesn't lose that rawness as she gets older (she's four at the moment...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Preschool Potentate)


I have update The MUSEUM OF POSTCARD ART page again, adding a few Honorable Mention cards. There are now 183 different postcards for folks to gawk at! (I recommend it!!!) Check 'um out here:


word mosh 2.jpg

Just for kicks, I wrote a short piece of autobiographical trash on!

[Posted to]:

My goodness... I'm wondering how all you peoples are doing!?!? Tomorrow is a holiday, here in the Estados Unidos. It's definitely swimming in racist bullshit, BUT as an intentional act of subversion, I'm going to PRETEND that the Giving of Thanks is about eating food that is yummy and apple pie, which I will not share, so don't ask. I'm at the age where I KNOW that it's important to get together with the family and with friends from time to time in order to keep the connections active. I'm a STAY-IN-MY-ROOM kind of guy, but I try to remember that there are other people in the world who DON'T come in this space... Sure...

Let's see... What else...

I've really been putting the hours into Patreon, and I now have 59 posts on the site that might (or might not) include materials that you've never seen! Check the page out to see what thrills are possibly hidden there!

I've decided (like 91 percent sure) that I'm going to make some AUDIO content and make it EXCLUSIVELY for Patreon members. Right now, I have one "TIER" for supporters, and it's a massive ONE DOLLAR per month... The problem is that I don't have much on the page that's exclusively for PAID MEMBERS. I should probably do that. Make that one buck per month REALLY meaningful, and not just a good karma option.

I wonder how long it will be before I get a "notification" there!?

Anything else??? Yeah... I think there is something else. HAVE A GOOD TIME when you can! LIFE comes and goes, often without warning, so make sure you seize that day! (R.I.P. Boo!!!)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Bringing Back 'Rad'" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

bringing back rad.png

[Felt pen and brush pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] I just don't know... This piece was an automatic drawing, and what ended up on the page was in no way planned... I'm pleased. Yeah... Good enough... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


23 Nov. 2023


"documented. Right??" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

documented right.jpg

[Various pen on paper with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Words have power and meaning, but what happens when that meaning is shattered? This cyclops knows EXACTLY what happens when meaning is lost, obscured, and fractured. ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


24 Nov. 2023


"Summoned by Moonlight" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

summoned by moonlight.png

[Liner pen and gel pen on paper with digital embellishments and color.] Modern audiences might not know this, but MOONLIGHT was an essential element of the mythology. (I HIGHLY recommend reading Polidori's "THE VAMPYRE" for anyone who hasn't. And "VARNEY THE VAMPIRE," which is wonderful trashy fun!) I don't know if this creature IS a vampire, but it's definitely a lunar entity of some sort! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


That's it! I'm done with this post. Thanks for stopping by!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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