"Relative Unreality" by Richard F. Yates (Hl Fl)

I do things. Do you do things? (If you do do things, that's great!) Everyone should do things... Here are some of the things that I DO-ed...:


7 Nov. 2023


"Super Mega Disco Donut" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

super mega disco donut.jpg

[Various pens and mechanical pencil on notebook page with minor digital color tweaking.] After reading Lynda Barry's MAKING COMICS book, I've decided that I don't need to treat a "journal" as a strictly WRITTEN affair. (I knew this in the past, but it helps to have a reminder from time to time.) I highly recommend Barry's book for anyone who likes to draw or to look at awesome "bad art." (It's not BAD art; it's FANTASTIC art because it ignores the rules and just does what it does... It's cool like that!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



[Posted to Typed.art]:

[By the time you finished reading this, the beginning will be nothing but history... Some history ain't that old... Below, you will find some "historical transcriptions from recent history..." Herstory, too.]

(3 Nov. '23) The day of frying.
Today is Digital Artz Day. Gonna try to flood the market with nonsense. [I was not successful in this endeavor.]

I took my morning pills. Good, right? "Keep yourself alive!" Am I right?

Ella Mental - A new character? What does it mean when you come up with the NAME of a character first?? Nothin'!

Roof on fire. Dine IN, please. Take-out. Fleece... Can't u smell wot u shuvelin'?
Limited Lie Ability.

The cause for the punishment... Was Medusa victim-blamed or was she punished for vanity??

Electric Mayhem!! All you Need is Blub... Wooken pah nub...(Eddie Murphy...)

Mariah wants to take tomorrow off from the world. She's just gonna stay in bed all day. I think that sounds like a great plan. [We were not successful in this endeavor.]

Empty fingers. (Why did I write that??)

"I like poop," says Felicity. WHY??

Finished. Finished without starting. How about them Dodgers! (So artful...) (KEY!)
Temporary secretary. Scratching backs...
Zombie. Be careful... They bite.

[Editor's note: The section below refers to the fact that I am writing in a brand new notebook that I just started on 2 Nov. '23.]:

I suppose I should do SOME intro bits, in case this book gets lost or if it has traveled thru' time and far from my grasp: My name is Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool), and I am a 51 year old artist / writer / grandpa / taxi service. I'm married to Mariah (aka: The BOSS), an optician and cooking show lover. We have attended the Oregon Ghost Conference for the last two years, and I'm sure we'll go this year, as well. Mariah and I have two daughters (Frankenstein & Elvis), one granddaughter and a grandson on the way! Whoa!

Mariah and I would like to retire soon and spend our remaining days reading, listening to music, going to Disneyland, and making art... The only problem is we are broke... HA!

Relational economics. Cue cards. Room to breathe and express the inexpressable. Listen to the HISSSSS...

Thank you... Be sure to tip the wait-staff. They work hard for their money, so you better treat them right...


---RFY (HF)



I used to have a Patreon page, but it felt weird. Now, I'm old and broke, so I've started it up again! HA! Not much there yet, but there will be soon!!!


only you can prevent artist starvation (22 jun. 2018) by rfy.png


While I'm at it, I also have a LinkTree page, if you're interested in deeper cuts!


8 Nov. 2023


"White Slacks Hipster Demon" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

white slacks hipster demon.png

[Ballpoint pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] You KNOW he's evil, cuz he's wearing WHITE SLACKS... (Sends a shiver down the spine, don't it??) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

#cc0 #creativecommons #handdrawn #digitalcolor #cartoons #nonsense #badart



I wrote a new "introduction" (technically, a RE-intro) for Patreon, and just for Giggles, I added a couple images to the end... (Giggles was my pet spider. [RIP.] #lawnmowersafety)



9 Nov. 2023


"and make more to enjoy" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

and make more to enjoy.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Seems like good advice to me. Why be entertained by OTHER FOLKS'S creations when you can make your own, personally expressions??? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Growth (With Spikes)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

growth (with spikes).png

[Ballpoint pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] This one looks sort of sigil-like, but also abstract and meaningless... Maybe a pointless magick spell??? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Loose Time" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

loose time.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] In the beginning was...blah blah blah... And in the end will... bloo blah blee... You want to impress me? Tell me what's happening RIGHT NOW! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



10 Nov. 2023


[Updated The MUSEUM OF POSTCARD ART! Ready to see more good stuff???]


My original conception of The MUSEUM OF POSTCARD ART was something of a game. I had a bunch of postcards that I'd been collecting for years, and thanks to the covid lockdown, several friends and Mariah and I started mailing postcards to each other, since we couldn't get together for bar-b-cues or whatever... So I thought, "I'll make a 'MUSEUM' for all these postcards," and I randomly chose a handful of dollar store purchased, 24 page, 4 x 6 inch books to keep the postcards in...

But my friends are difficult (at best), and they often decided to send cards that were too large to fit in the books that I'd chosen for the MUSEUM to reside in. I couldn't just IGNORE these awesome pieces, so I created a secondary category to archive them: HONORABLE MENTIONS.

What follows, before we get to the NEW postcards, are all 37 of the HMs! Some brilliant stuff here! Hope you enjoy!

hm - 005 - a.png

[My scan of the actual, physical postcard from my collection!]


"19 Lake" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

19 lake.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Mostly a color experiment, but there's a couple little weird cartoon bits that I like. Ha! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



That's it for this episode! Thanks for stopping by! Keep on keepin' on!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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