Señor Cat Drawing - creative process


In today's post I would like to show you the process behind creating the drawing, inspired by the Cat I had the honor to live with for one year.

Creative process:

Before drawing, I did a couple of sketches of cat skulls and eyes from various angles, in my artistic dairy.
I wanted to go for a realistic look, but ended up with an idea of a cartoon-like character.



This illustration is inspired by invincible cat I had the honor to live with. Meet Micko:


The characteristics I appreciated about him are impersonated in the cat illustration.

This cat went through a lot. With only three legs he always kept walking like a little soldier, like being protected by some higher force. As the representation of that protection I am covering my cat illustration with a shield.

To show the adaptable side of this cat's character, I am covering the shield with snake skin like texture - snake is flexible and physically adaptable animal.
To show how old this cat is, his predictable and accurate character traits, I am inducing clock mechanism in his body.

For creating this drawing I used pencils and ink pen.


                                       Mixed media

Check out my other artworks on @petraa or

Thank You for reading this post.
Have a wonderful day!

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