The Man Chicken Worm Eater

Screenshot 2022-11-17 9.17.33 PM.png

Hello everybody, .yeah I kind of wanted to have fun tonight. It is always good to practice, but if you cannot having a pleasure once in a while and go out of the box, then you're practicing for nothing ( probably talking just for me but still). Anyway, So what came to my mind seems to be a man mixed with a chicken That will get a delicious brain worm fed to it soon, Yep, This is how the story goes.

All this was done using that free software that I like a lot, which actually seems to be pretty popular, which is called Autodesk Sketchbook. I like it, there is this also "Clip Animation Studio" that seems appreciated by others, so I might give it a try eventually (even though it seems specialized to make GIFs). I am a big fan of street art and if I would ever be allowed to draw on a wall or something, I would probably draw something in those line : something weird, awkward, that doesn't need to make sense but that is still my eyes anyway :-D

Here are some step by step progress pics :
Screenshot 2022-11-17 9.18.56 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-11-17 9.19.10 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-11-17 9.18.20 PM.png

I hope you guys like it. Thanks for the view.

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