Dragon Whelp


Hopefully you all are doing well. I am participating in the weekly contest of the @splinterland. I am very eccited for today's post. Every work gave you an experience and due to this contest my skills improve a lot. Well Today I made a beautifull mini dragon whelp. Its body structure is not dangerous in looking. But in reall it is very dangerous like me😂. Well as usuall it is also good looking.

Here is the final pic of my post.

   **Final Look**

App used

I used adobe illustrator for my digital art. In this app tje most tool which I ised is Pen tool and colour panel.


As usuall I started my art from sketching. First of all I skerch the structure of his face. Which is strange but acceptable habaha. Let me show you.

Then I started to draw the winga of the dragon. Dragon's wing is also just like a dragon. Rough and cheap.....

Then I started to draw his body structurem i draw his inner body and also I draw his one arm. Arm mean the lad which is just like kangroo's front legs....

Then I started to draw the outerpart of his body and I also draw his tail. The all the process I jad done by the pen tool. Then I decided to draw the other wing of thedsragon.

Then I removed the lower extra part which I had no need. Well I completed the wings and my sketch of dragon is ready. Tantanaaaaa.


Forat of all I started to colour in his wings. I colour the light green in his softy wings. Let.me show you.

Then I started to fill the dark green in the boney part of the wings. I had shared the picture.

Similarly in different parts of body I did the light green and in specific parts i colour the dark green. Let me share a picture.

I coloured red in the stomes present in his body and yellow in his nails.

Then I gave an outline to the dragon whelp. I change the style of outlime. I had shown in vedio..... Let me show you

Now I was realizing that something is missing then I remmeber that the shadow amd background. So I droped some shadow and added a beautifull background. Now let me show you the final Look.

I hope you will like it. I will come back soon with a new and aesthetic post.

Thank you so much for visting my post and loving it a lot

Allah Hafiz and Take cAre

See you later guys

Love a lot

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