Un viaje a otro mundo. / A journey to another world.

Hola amigos, espero estén muy bien, el día de hoy les quiero mostrar algunas imágenes que hecho con dall-e. Estas imágenes fueron pensadas para una historia, y aunque no escribí ningún dialogo la historia va de un chico que es raptado por una nave alienígena y es llevado a otro planeta, el niño se mete a explorar a tiendas, museos y restaurantes y a la salida es perseguido por un alíen y se pierde en la jungla alienígena donde encuentra ruinas antiguas,

Para esta ocasión y para no tratar de perder el hilo de la historia dejaré solo una imagen por generación con su respectivo prompt, disfrútenlo.

"a boy watching an alien spacecraft blasting a city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy watching an alien spacecraft blasting a city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"an amazed boy looking out of the window of an alien spacecraft at an outer planet in the space, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a surprised boy coming out of an alien ship, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a surprised boy lost in an alien city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy shopping in an alien store and an alien at the counter, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy in an alien museum, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy eating in an alien restaurant full of aliens, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy colliding while walking unintentionally with an alien being, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy running being chased by an alien in an alien city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy running in an alien jungle, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy finding ancient ruins in an alien jungle, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

Bueno amigos, espero que les haya gustado este post y las imágenes les hayan parecido interesantes, hasta un próximo blog.


Hello friends, I hope you are very well, today I want to show you some images that I made with dall-e. These images were thought for a story, and although I did not write any dialogue the story is about a boy who is kidnapped by an alien ship and is taken to another planet, the boy goes to explore stores, museums and restaurants and at the exit he is chased by an alien and gets lost in the alien jungle where he finds ancient ruins,

For this occasion and not to try to lose the thread of the story I will leave only one image per generation with its respective prompt, enjoy it.

"a boy watching an alien spacecraft blasting a city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy watching an alien spacecraft blasting a city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"an amazed boy looking out of the window of an alien spacecraft at an outer planet in the space, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a surprised boy coming out of an alien ship, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a surprised boy lost in an alien city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy shopping in an alien store and an alien at the counter, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy in an alien museum, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy eating in an alien restaurant full of aliens, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy colliding while walking unintentionally with an alien being, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy running being chased by an alien in an alien city, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy running in an alien jungle, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

"a boy finding ancient ruins in an alien jungle, futuristic illumination, Art Deco, Full colors, Greg rutkowski, Trending artstation, cinematográfic"

Well friends, I hope you liked this post and found the images interesting, see you in a future blog.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Imagen hecha por @fclore22

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