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Seas of Pink Nipples

Seas of Pink Nipples_reduced further for post image.jpg


Calling yourself a clown joking around attemptin’ astound overstate, compensate, reiterate, never directly state. Whisper to two in double time to rein me in on their dime for your slime crime. Joking weren’t you just in a stew, can’t control me, own me, dominate or run me, sucks to be you. Feminists call that sexism discriminating ‘gainst women the way your swimming.

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Outta the basement but still encasement screwed up about race trying to keep pace projecting zero reflecting while expecting what now? You’re hiding out with mom beatin’ same old drum rat a tat tat, look at that splat! You live in a box with mind locks caged getting enraged upon a stage don’t need me to weld your rage cage.

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I grew up with whitey spitey smighty and ‘cause I’m not all righty, nor am I purely whitey I took plenty punches from rough bunches who stole not only my lunches. A rock to the head with a wish for me dead instead, that’s one they did. Surrounded penned in pinned into a corner driven in impaled bruised abused scourge scorch vermin exterminate my kind always in their mind but you’re blind.

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Seeing seas of pink nipple ripples minus hairy stipples, wax sugar pull tweeze for you to squeeze still not pleased. Giving those clown nipples a tight tease rhyme you gonna wake up this time? Twist hard and pull purple nurple style to rile your bile no balls within your flesh white washed walls, gotta be pink no colour but pink’s not even a real colour go endeavour to discover pink’s an Eye illusion, you need another bruisin’?

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You’ve learned well from snakes carrying same stakes while not calling them elite you repeat same pattern with abandon. I’m just taking the example you set, what you get, you bet you’ll regret. Take your ists, isms, divisions, shove them where the sun don’t shine and don’t whine. Let the world see colour don’t mean nothing to me packagin’ it be.

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Green jelly belly beans won’t score you more on this debate floor. Stick to McDonald’s clown happy meal deals since you won’t get real. You say you don’t understand art so depart apart don’t start with your juvey funny farts you upstart child wannabe wild. Smellin’ it from here dear you reek of fear. Hide the pain, don’t explain, keep your blame in shame it’s all the same you don’t rule this game!

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The Inspiration

A joke is a joke said the bloke and on it went for weeks at a time in my mind. What began as offhand comment about the preference for pink nipples evolved into the above raprant. Originally, I had intended to create one piece of digital art, "Seas of Pink Nipples".

On went the joking around amongst a bunch of us, resulting in my putting my boob in my mouth (not quite literally) and committing to producing a series of "Nipple Art". Never joke around if you aren't willing to follow through on a dare.

Since I have no model available, plus the irritating business of release forms, I skipped straight to using myself, or specifically, part of my body as the model to produce both "Seas of Pink Nipples" and a collection of eight different digital art nipples. I've named each #proofofnipple, my proof that the nipple has been produced and shown, thereby living up to my commitment to produce #proofofnipple.


Gallery Collection_#proofofnipple.jpg


“Seas of Pink Nipples” has been minted into a single edition video NFT with a downloadable full size image included with purchase of NFT, “Seas of Pink Nipples”.

Eight individual “#proofofnipple” nipples as shown in the collection image above have each been minted into single edition individual video NFT’s. A full size original image has been included as a downloadable with the purchase of each #proofofnipple NFT.


Available for purchase on NFT Showroom:

"Seas of Pink Nipples"

Proof of Nipple Series:

#proofofnipple – Red

#proofofnipple - Orange

#proofofnipple - Yellow

#proofofnipple - Green

#proofofnipple - Blue

#proofofnipple - Pink

#proofofnipple - Purple

#proofofnipple - Rainbow

All digital art created by Nine. All source images are derived from photos taken by Nine with a Pentax digital 35mm camera and 90mm Tamron macro lens.

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