Splinterlands Art Contest Week 248! // SARIUS (ENG/ESP)


Hello everyone, this week I bring you a fanart of Sarius, a card that I like for its speed and attack at a low mana cost. I would have liked to make the armor more realistic and reflective, but I was limited on time to finish it. Nonetheless, I hope you liked the result, and I hope to do something better for next week. ^^

Hola a todos, esta semana les traido un fanart de Sarius, una carta que me gusta por la rapidez y ataque que tiene por un bajo costo de puntos de maná, me hubiese gustado hacer la armadura mas realista y reflectante pero estuve limitado de tiempo para terminarla, aun asi espero les haya gustado el resultado, espero poder hacer algo mejor para la siguiente semana. ^^




The Burning Lands city of Azad is home to uncountable thousands of the toughest people in the world from dozens of different races. There are warriors, thieves, refugees and survivors from all over the Planet. Even in spite of the terrible overpopulation problems and resource crises of the Burning Lands, the city accepts almost everyone whose ship makes it to the port of Noxia. Brutality of Azad life usually takes care of the population problem within the city walls anyways. Whoever is not fit to survive in Azad simply dies and is forgotten. The largest and most intact race of people who have made a home in Azad are the Khmer.

The Khmer were once a warlike and conquering people on the other side of the world. Then in the span of a few days, everything was taken from them by the nameless threat from which everyone ran. Back home in the land of their sprawling empire, they were ruled by seven sisters, the Khmer princesses. Now only one remains, Princess Sipha, as the leader of her people. The Khmer people no longer have ambitions to conquer, but merely to survive so at some point in the future they can seek their revenge against the nameless threat.

In the Khmer empire, the armies were made entirely of women. In those times, the most feared general was a woman by the name of Sarius. Now Sarius is the only surviving general of the Khmer people, and she has no armies to lead in the Burning Lands. Longing for battle, she asked Princess Sipha if she could be allowed to honor the Khmer by fighting as a Moxian Gladiator. Princess Sipha accepted the request, fearing that Sarius would get herself into some trouble in the city. In single combat, Sarius wears a magnificent suit of traditional Khmer armor and fights with two matching wide-blade short swords. With her exotic styles of hand-to-hand combat, she will be a difficult match for any opponent of any size or strength.


First, I sketch to get an idea of the body proportions.

Primero hago el boceto para darme una idea de las proporciones del cuerpo.


Then, I outline the sketch on a new layer and give shape to the character.

Ahora delineo el sketch en una nueva capa y le doy forma al personaje.


Next, I add the darker colors as the base color for each part of the body.

Entonces, agrego los colores mas oscuros como color base de cada parte de su cuerpo.


I use my airbrush on upper layers to distribute a slightly lighter color, which gives depth to the drawing.

Uso mi aerografo en capas superiores para distribuir el color ligeramente mas claro, esto le va a ir dando profundidad al dibujo.


I repeat the process, and now the base colors become slightly more accentuated. I also distribute lighter colors on the skirt to create the illusion of it folding.

Repito el proceso, ahora los colores base se van notando ligeramente mas acentuados, también distribuyo los colores mas claros sobre la falda dando la sensación de que su falda se esta doblando.


I add much lighter tones to achieve a greater realism, distributing the light from the right.

Añado tonos mucho mas claros para lograr un mayor realismo, distribuyendo la luz desde la derecha.



Then, I give the final touches by adding highlights to the hair and the contours of the body, matching the background color I added.

Entonces, doy los acabados finales agregando brillos en el cabello, en los contornos de su cuerpo, para que correspondan con el color de fondo que añadí.


Using a new shadow layer, I drew slightly blushed cheeks and changed the tone of the ear as well.

Con una nueva capa de sombra, dibujé mejillas ligeramente sonrojadas y la oreja cambiando tambien su tonalidad.


To create the background, I used only three different layers for the ground, the mountain, and the clouds. I used my airbrush to draw them and added some blur using my water brush.

Para hacer el fondo solo use tres diferentes capas para el suelo, la montaña y las nubes, y las dibujé con mi aerografo, y agregué algo de desenfoque usando mi pincel de agua.


I repeat the process to add details to the background. My intention is to convey that these objects are quite distant, so I blur them heavily. And that's it! Thank you very much for your attention. ^^

Repito el proceso para hacer los detalles del fondo, mi intención es dar a entender que son objetos bastante lejanos y por eso los difumino demasiado, y eso sería todo, muchas gracias por su atención. ^^




For this piece, I used a Genius Wizard Pen Tablet 5x4.

Para esta obra, usé una tableta Genis Wizard Pen 5x4.

My drawings are entirely drawn in Paint Tool Sai because this software have the best compatibility with my tablet.

Mis dibujos son completamente hechos en Paint Tool Sai porque este programa tiene la mejor compatibilidad con mi tableta.

I hope you like it, see you the next week! ^^

Espero les haya gustado, nos vemos la proxima semana! ^^



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