My Gallery (320) Scary Monsters

I drew six monsters that are deadly and scaaaaary.

Tentacles Monster. Action: It's stronger than the biggest octopus. It can beat anything and everything in its way. It lives in the water like the Kraken monster does.
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Sharkees Monster. Action: It's stronger than all the sharks. It can walk on land and swim in the ocean.
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Eggplant monster. Because the body looks like an egg and tail looks like a plant - a flower. It only head buds.
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Giraffosaur. It's in a monster group. It smashes its opponent with its head. The head is really tiny but hard. The tail is heart shaped. And, if it is happy it wiggles its tail like a dog.
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Spider Ladybug. It's with a baby in its tummy. The baby is not hatched yet.
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Draggedsaur. It drags the opponent down to the ground and chops-chops.
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I used color pencils on paper. One of the pencils was a three color (green, orange and red) pencil. It was easy to color with it.

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