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Experiments with the dream machine

No NFT today...however, I would like to show you something I built....
William S. Burroughs' dream machine has always been intriguing to me.
to see what is the dream machine I leave you the link of Wikipedia

I built one identical to the one built by William S. Burroughs, but it was uncomfortable to use and experiment
so I decided to make my own version...
I have found a DiY kit with 8 frequency generator channels, the kit was already complete with display and buttons I added only a knob to adjust the brightness.
the channels control 8 led lights inserted on comfortable welding goggles

in this way you can use it lying on the sofa and select the desired frequency
I must say that it works very well, if used perhaps during a meditation with eyes closed, it helps to reach the desired state more quickly

it is easy to build and the look is quite punk..
however William's intuition is brilliant, Bright flashes at a certain frequency can alter mental status .
my preferred frequency is between 8 and 12 Hz

do not do it if you are photosensitive or suffer from epilepsy