Re-Introduction Post! What is Hive? Baby, don't hurt me...


It has been a long time, yet again, since my last post, and I've been sitting here wondering how exactly to start.

"Power" - Part of my "The First" collection, and my profile picture since 2022

The thing is - I'd like to return to blogging here again and actually stick to it. I didn't last time because I thought of it as A Great Return and wasn't able to commit.

So, to avoid that, I'm asking you, and myself:

What is Hive to you?
How do you use it?
How many times a week do you post?
Is it still more or less like it was back in the old days... "All about community!" ...?
If so, should I join one, or start a new one?

For now, I'm going to take a relaxed approach and treat it as a sort of informal public diary, with a focus on my creative work, which is generative art at the moment. Before I get into that though, let me introduce myself briefly, since probably most of you won't know who I am or remember me very well.

My name is Jody. I'm a digital artist, having mainly used fractals in the past to create all my art. I have a "History" page on my website which goes into detail if you're interested. In 2022 I briefly got into using A.I. - and if you check my recent reblogs, you'll find posts by "Cryptoyevsky" which is actually also me, posting about that work =) And then, beginning last year (2023) in February, I got back into programming and started making art with code!

The exclamation is because I'm really excited to be doing this. I always had a love-hate relationship with programming, but with using it to create art, the hate part has dissipated. I enjoy it SO MUCH.

I've done four generative projects so far, which I'll get into in the next few posts, because otherwise this one will lengthen beyond what I think most people are willing to give their time to... ;P


For now, I'll leave you with the above gif of one iteration of ℈ℽ⍷-ᚤက, my first collection, as well as the following first part of the page:

℈ℽ⍷-ᚤက is about identity; both individual identity as well as our collective identity as a species.

Since the very beginning, human beings have been fascinated by the world around them. We have tried to understand it, our place in it, and ourselves.

In this process, faced with chaotic complexity and forces we couldn't comprehend, we gave significance to otherwise meaningless events, and created a meaningful world for ourselves within the greater unfathomable universe.

Things do not have names, nor exist in inherent categories. Humans are responsible for these... We are the inventors of meaning.

With this in mind, I present my own creation: ℈ℽ⍷-ᚤက

There's a lot more to know about it, so click here and leave the page open in a new tab for when you have time to grab a coffee and read all about it properly =)

That's it for now! Thanks for reading and please reply so I know you're there and I'll check your latest few posts too =)

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