Pixel noob : Dibujando una luna / Drawing a moon [ESP-ENG]

Miniatura de Youtube Tecnologia Azul Moderno2.png

Greetings Alien art community, inspired by @albiro2050, I have decided to start making pixel art, and these are my works that are published in Nft Showroom as part of my portfolio.

I like themes that have to do with space, I really enjoy drawing them.

From now on I will record the process of how I make my creations to document all my work and my progress.

To make the pixel art I use the free license Libresprite software, you can find it from their official website.

Enjoy it!

Final Art

Un saludo comunidad de Alien art, inspirado por @albiro2050 he decido ponerme a hacer pixel art, y estos son mis trabajos que estan publicados en Nft Showroom como parte de mi portafolio.

Me gustan los temas que tienen que ver con el espacio, disfruto mucho dibujandolos.

A partir de ahora grabare el proceso de como hago mis creaciones para ir documentando todo mi trabajo y mi avance.

Para hacer el pixel art uso el software libresprite de licencia libre, pueden encontrarlo en su web official.

¡Que lo disfruten!

Arte final


Gif hecho en https://ezgif.com/

Thumbnail of the post made using canva.com version pro
Music by Mikhail Smusev from Pixabay
This is my black cat "manclar", this hive name account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).

The divisor is made by @albiro2050, if you want one made in your style, visit him and he will gladly take care of your commission.

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